Today i will share with you my 3 magic natural "cosmetic" that i'm using for my skin and hair: Coconut Oil, Lavender and Shea Butter.
Firstly is COCONUT OIL. :). I bought it from my friend with at very cheap price - around 8USD for 250ml. I made a quick search on Internet to see how to get the best benefits of Coconut oil and this is how i apply it into my hair and skin:
- For Hair: My hair was extremely damaged because i continuously had my hair cut and straightened then colored (recently). It become frizzy, unlively and fall a lot. So, i applied the coconut oil directly to head scalp with gentle message in 10 minutes. Each time i just use around 3 spoon of oil. That is enough for a perfect massage. After that, i used another 3 spoons of Coconut oil apply on hair and leave it on over the night. I wash my hair with shampoo in the next morning. Frequency of my routine is 2 or 3 times per week. And, guess what i had after 3 weeks. My hair was improved incredibly and reduce hair falling a lot. Of course, it is not as perfect as you see in Shampoo advertisements but i really see the difference. And currently, i'm still patient with this methodology to repair my hair. I love long hair. :)
- For Skin: I apply Coconut oil on my eye skin area to improve bouncing capability of skin and to reduce black eye after my many lack-of-sleep nights recently. :). At first, you will feel very irritating because the greasy feeling on skin but don't worry, this Coconut oil is quickly absorbed into skin after 10 minutes. With this method, you need to be very careful and patient as the effects will take long time to be visible. And, to improve the bouncing skin for body, gently massage your body 30 minutes before a bath will have 2 useful benefit: 1. The message action will help improve blood circulation and make you feel relaxing after a long day of working. 2. The moisture part of Coconut oil will be absorbed into skin and will supplement hydrate to your skin. It will be perfect if you apply again just a very small amount of Coconut oil on skin after showering. You will see the improvement after 4 weeks.
Well, that's with the Coconut Oil. And, secondly is LAVENDER. :)
Make sure that you have the original Lavender from France whose fragrance is very relaxing and healing in any occasions. To have calming breath and to refresh my mind, i put some dried Lavender next to my bed so the Lavender aroma will be dispersed into the air and gradually blooming fragrance (sounds like Fabric Softerner ;)) during the night.
Also, i made mini sauna for my eyes with Milk and Lavender. I warmed the milk then just add some Lavender then let my eyes slowly sauna with this mixture. Don't throw away this mixture when it cools down, wash your face with this mixture will improve your face appearance, especially with acnes and dried skin.
And, last but not least, I will share with you a French song that i like in both Rhythm and Lyrics. - Changer by Celine Dion and Don Juan. (source from It's safe, don't worry.:))
Have a nice weekend, guys! ^^